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It all started at the age of six.

Playing the drums fascinated me.

2007 -   Lessons in the drum department in Stuttgart


2011  -  Change to JaM'in Music School in Schwäbisch Gmünd


2014  - Private lessons with Thomas Göhringer in Aalen

Various participations in coaching, workshops, clinics, master classes

2021 - Studies at HfMT Cologne (jazz and popular music)


prizes - awards - competitions

Drum pass from Percussion Creativ eV

Participation "Drum Set" - Completed with Gold 2014


Drum pass from Percussion Creativ eV

Participation "Snare Drum" - Completed with Gold 2015

Winner 2015 (Playalong Groove Contest)

"Jugend musiziert" 2017:

Regional competition Ostwuerttemberg 

Finished with 25 points, 1st place

State competition Baden-Württemberg 

Finished with 25 points, 1st place

Federal competition 

Completed with 24 points, 1st place receiving special award 

Invitation to an artist's contribution to the island of Mainau on Lake Constance (castle). The event was under the name Known as "Young Musical Elite". Among the audience were representatives of the State Music Council, as well as the Mainau Cultural Forum, representatives from Switzerland, patrons and the Count's Bernadotte family.

Working as a drum teacher

2017 - 2018: Music School Backstage

2017 - 2021:  Musikschule Abtsgmünd

Since 2018: private tutor


teacher - coaching - workshops 

Thomas Goehringer

Alex Vesper

Alfonso Garrido

Prof. Michael Kuettner

Professor Udo Dahmen

Prof. Dr. Michael Rappe

Professor Anette von Eichel

Martin Cajon Dinosaur Sauer

Fabian Husgen

Benny Eisel

Jorg Fabig

Benny Greb 

Jost Nickel 

Anika Niles

Emmanuel Clapette

Guido Benk Art

Bandcamp Aalen

Jan Stix Pfennig 

Joe Baron


Anker 1


Soon  a new episode is coming!


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